Femoral Triangle & Thigh Compartments
Femoral & Adductor Triangle
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
Superiorly: Inguinal Ligament
Medially: Adductor longus
Laterally: Sartorius
Floor: Pectineus (medially) + Iliopsoas (laterally)
What are the contents of the femoral triangle?
Contents (lateral to medial)
Femoral Nerve
Femoral Artery
Femoral Vein
Empty Femoral Canal
What landmark would you use to perform a fascio-iliac block?
A facio-iliac block is performed for analgesia in neck of femur fractures (NOF#)
Line between anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and pubic tubercle
Identify the junction between lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3
Entry point 1cm below this point
How would you perform a fascio-iliaca block?
Consent patient + gather equipment (including USS)
Identify landmark
Prepare local anaesthetic
30-40mls of 0.25% bupivacaine
Depending on weight of patient
Identify vessels on US
Ensure avoid femoral artery / vein
Advance needle and syringe
Should feel “two pops”
Aspirate to ensure no blood and inject local anaesthetic
Withdraw needle and apply pressure
What is the adductor canal?
The adductor canal lies deep to the sartorius muscle and connects the distal femoral triangle to the popliteal fossa. Also known as subsartorial canal / Hunter’s canal.
What are its boundaries?
Anteromedially: Sartorius
Anterolaterally: Vastus Medialis
Posterior: Adductor longus + magnus
What are the contents of the adductor canal?
Superficial femoral artery
Superficial femoral vein
Saphenous nerve
Nerve to vastus medialis
What is the adductor hiatus? What is its surface marking?
The adductor hiatus is a gap between the abductor muscle and the femur. It allows passage of the superficial femoral artery + vein from the distal aspect of the adductor canal to the popliteal fossa. Surface marking - 2/3 of way along from the ASIS to the adductor tubercle (of the femur)
Compartments of the Thigh
What are the origins, insertion, actions and innervations of the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh?
What are the origins, insertion, actions and innervations of the muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh?
What are the origins, insertion, actions and innervations of the muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh?